
The Metro – sexual Male

The Metro - sexual Male The Metro - sexual Male

Summer is here! You know what that means; skin exposure and sandal weather, more trips to the beach, to pools, more picnics and any other situation whicht includes sun, fun and frolic. It is the season where men, in particular have the opportunity to highlight the fact they too can invest in their bodies (apart from exercising) and demonstrate this to their peers.

Therefore means people make every attempt to put their best appearances forward as temperatures tend to be high and it allows greater latitude and surface area to exhibit their attractiveness.

Being attractive and staying attractive partly includes taking care of the body and means maintenance. One way to maintain the body is to utilise body beauty treatments. Men, as much as women, deserve to be pampered, groomed and get all gussied up, in order to look and feel better. Whoever said men are not allowed to partake in body beauty treatments are thoroughly misguided!

The perfect place to assist in caring for and maintaining the body is a spa and salon.
Contrary to popular belief, people only
associate body and beauty establishments with women but, let it be well noted, men populate them too.

Wondering what body and beauty treatments men can receive, in order to showcase their attractiveness? Here is a list of treatments for men to explore…. Enjoy!



There are facials for various skin types. Facials focus primarily on cleansing, exfoliation and nourishment, which improves hydration of the skin. They assist in the removal of blackheads and whiteheads which accumulate on the face over time, especially when there is very little care of the face. The process includes steaming, exfoliation, extraction, mask peels, massages among others. Benefits include anti-ageing, deep cleaning, moisturised skin and improved skin tone and texture.

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