
2016 Year of The Monkey

2016 Year of The Monkey 2016 Year of The Monkey

Most of us have faith in a higher presence; whether it is the principles of the universe or the comfort of religion, our faith is powered by a belief system. This belief system is what we use to direct our lives, determine how we live and the choices we make. We are resolute in maintaining this faith and living in accordance of our beliefs in order for our lives to attract the abundance of blessings we deserve.

As the year 2016 approaches we often use this time to reflect on the year that was, celebrate our triumphs and assess the difficulties as we seek to further challenge ourselves in the year to come, using the many belief systems which guide our path. Popular among these belief systems are religion and astrology with respect to the laws of the universe.

Religion for many years have been the predominant belief system in many nations across the world. However, more people have begun to explore outside of the parameters of religion and are focusing more on the laws of the universe, especially where astrology is concerned; one of its main sub elements being the Chinese zodiac.

To continue reading, Purchase Vol. 8 Issue #3 2015.