
Wash Before You Wear!

Wash Before You Wear! Wash Before You Wear!

The world is filled with mind boggling questions and dilemmas geared to press the mind to consider our next course of action. Who could have ever imagined, one such dilemma would be whether or not you need to wash new clothes before you wear them? While there isn’t a heated debate on this matter, discussions are still being engaged on the proper etiquette.

Too often a person finds themselves in a situation where they have been invited to an event and have left it to the last minute to select their wardrobe. They realise they have nothing to wear and spend the day shopping for the perfect outfit, leaving with just enough time to give it a quick iron before they get dressed and step out looking like the suave style icons they are. But just how harmful can this practice really be?.

Damion Anglin shares a few tips and explore reasons for this practice.Before focusing on the hazards, let’s take a walk down memory lane. You are on the town scouting the best outfit for your event. You come across a store and find the most stylish yet subtle ensemble guaranteed to turn heads; you of course have to try it on to ensure it fits. You gaze in the mirror for a moment discussing with yourself, asking if this really is the one; finally you decide it is and make the purchase. Now imagine how many people have gone through the same process with the same outfit, trying it on that same day, the day before and within that same week, just for starters. Imagine the body fluids and other bacteria which would have been transferred to the fabric from the five minutes of fitting from the hundreds of people with whom the clothing has made contact, and you decide to purchase it and wear it that same evening to your social gathering for at least three full hours. Are you scared yet? . . .

To continue reading, Purchase Vol. 8 Issue #3 2015.