
5 things to do before 2022

5 things to do before 2022

Story by Damion Anglin

The last two years (2020 and 2021) have been an eye opener. The impact of the global pandemic was unprecedented for many of us and really forced us into uncomfortable situations that we are still recovering from. However, with a new year approaching and the world slowly inching back to some semblance of normalcy, it is important to reflect on the lessons of these past two years and prepare ourselves to move into 2022 stronger, more resilient and determined to elevate our existence in a transformative way in order to boldly step into our true potential. This is not about making new resolutions. However, these are five things that everyone should consider doing before the start of the New Year.

Re-evaluate your finances

One thing we have learnt is that money comes and goes; and when it’s gone it can sometimes take a while to be replaced. Now, more than ever, it is important to assess all the ways you generate income and all the expenses you accumulate. While creating a budget may work for some, your re-evaluation may also result in you deciding to find more affordable alternatives to luxury spending or eliminating unnecessary spending altogether. It may also mean that you have to develop a strict saving or investment programme to plan for those rainy days.

Find ways to monetize your talents

We all have things that we are good at, so the question is; why aren’t you being paid to do the things that you love? It’s time to turn those hobbies and talents into profit. It never hurts to make some additional cash and it makes having fun more lucrative. You don’t have to start an entire business; that’s up to you. However, it’s ok to be incentivized for sharing your God given talents.

Cultivate a mental safe haven

Stress, anxiety, depression and all the other mental health issues have gone unchecked for too long. The physical and emotional toll it takes on us is dangerous. So before the year ends, you have to identify your safe haven. Where is that place, what is that thing, what is that activity that centres you, calms you and gives you clarity and peace of mind? We have to identify and create our safe space, because difficulties are a part of life and we owe it to ourselves to be armed with a positive shelter from which we can weather the storm.

Evaluate your physical health

Your body is a temple and the vehicle that transports you through this life; therefore it goes without saying that you need to care for it. Dieting and exercise is one way of physical maintenance; however, it is important to evaluate the other aspects of your physical health. Knowing what is happening to your body is crucial in self-care. To the extent that you can, know what’s right and what’s wrong with your body and health so you can be ahead of any further complications. Let’s check it out; the earlier the better.

To read more, please purchase a copy of Buzzz Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine Vol 11 #2 at any supermarket, pharmacy or book store near you.

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