
Christopher Lai Literary Apostle…With a Blog and Bravado!

Christopher Lai

From the fertile vineyards of his mind; widely admired and consulted, Christopher Lai believes that women love men who are willing to CUDDLE (Clean Utensils, Do Dishes and Learn Etiquette), chronicled in his July 2013 eBook publication entitled ‘The Lai Detector’ which was listed among Amazon’s top 100 best sellers in the category of Love, Sex and Marriage, close to ousting noted writers Bill Cosby and Jane Austen.

The book is a fascinating guide for men in how to effectively get a woman’s attention and keep it and is perhaps what has served to ignite Lai’s path as an established writer, despite subsequent challenges.

The Lai Detector is a cleverly spun literary cocktail for an unquenchable audience, with equal servings for connoisseurs, eager to expose curious palates to new ideas and perspectives on matters of sex and sexuality. Also, he attracts a large following on his blog, ‘Living the Lai’ with over 476 000 hits, where he explores topics such as ‘Why You Shouldn’t Always be A Nice Guy in Relationships’, ‘6 Ways a Man Will Ruin his Relationship’ among others, awarded the Best Writing on a Blog in 2013 at the Caribbean Blog Awards.

To continue reading , purchase  Vol. 7 #9  2015 issue