
Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in 2018

Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in 2018

In today’s modern world, the hustle and bustle of a typical day can have us so caught up with deadlines that finding the time to stay fit and healthy seems unfathomable. However, you can still maintain a healthy lifestyle even if you lead a busy life.

Start by drinking a lot of water,it is a much better option to have in the mornings than coffee. While coffee gives you a feeling of alertness, it has the propensity to crash your system before you know it. Studies have shown that drinking a glass of water in the mornings on an empty stomach helps to rehydrate the body and kick-start your metabolism for the day ahead. It fires up your
metabolism, helps your body flush out toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even make you eat less.

The adult human body is made up of 50-65% water. In order to function at their maximum capabilities, the organs in our bodies need water. In fact, the average human brain is made up of about 75% water. Doctors recommend that adults require at least 8 glasses or 8 ounces or ml of water per day, which is about 2 litres per day. However, certain factors can increase the need for more water, such as dry indoor air and having an illness.

A great way to ensure that you are drinking enough water per day is to travel with your reusable water bottle as research has shown that people are more likely to drink more water if they always have a bottle of water within their reach. When you are having meals, make water your drink preference; avoid having too many sugary beverages such as soda. Your brain will thank you for it!

You should also pay attention to your starch intake. Starchy foods can make you feel full easier. However, when you consume starch, your blood glucose level rises as your body converts it into
glucose for energy. Having a lot of starchy foods can cause serious fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, causing them to rise quickly and then drop. These variations result in varying levels of energy which translates to hunger and cravings. This can cause you to overeat and in turn gain weight, making you susceptible to heart diseases.

To Read More: Purchase your copy of Volume 9 #6  January-February 2018