
Housecleaning Tricks You’ll Love

Housecleaning Tricks You'll Love

Saturday – the designated day for cleaning – not a favoured day for anyone who felt forced during those high school years to learn the ways of good housekeeping. The cooking, washing, sweeping and if you had a grandmother like mine who preferred her electric polisher to be seen and not used, then you understand what it was like to ‘eye’ that piece of appliance with disdain as you stayed on bended knees shining the wooden floor with a coconut brush. Aii sah!

Those days are long gone, thank goodness! Technology has made it a lot easier to carry out those duties along with some tested and proven good housekeeping remedies handed down from the old folks. We sometimes want to disregard these little gems, but never lose sight of what “yuh granny did tell yuh” about the everyday products in the kitchen with ‘hidden talents’ other than the ones they are specifically made for. Let Buzzz Magazine help you to unleash their little tricks for a cleaner, fresher home.