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STARTING a Business in 2022
VIABLE BUSINESS IDEAA viable business idea is one that provides a solution for a significant enough target audience that will allow the idea…
Social Mediaitis and You
No longer is being an addict confined to drugs, alcohol, sex or even being an obsessive cleaner. In this 21st Century there is…
Best Exercise For Persons Who Dread The Gym
Summer is upon us! As the weather gets warmer, gym memberships are on the rise. Persons are gearing up for fabulous upcoming summer…
What to do when you reach the fitness plateau
It’s a wonderful feeling to get into a groove of exercising and changing your diet and enjoying the changes your body has been…
Foods you can eat without gaining weight
What an amazing concept, eating foods that won’t make you gain weight! The idea of feeling limitless and getting your “belly full”, seems…
The culture of the cellphone camera
The desire to use the camera to capture content is so overwhelming that it has become a practice to witness altercations or life…
Summer Décor to beat the heat
It’s hot in the Caribbean! With the forecast of continued soaring temperatures, we are all open to discovering new ways to keep our…
Dr. Wayne Frederick , The man behind the achievements
Dr. Wayne Frederick is a remarkable individual who has lived an extraordinary life. He is well known for numerous accomplishments with extensive contributions…
How to know when it’s time to end your relationship
I was recently gifted a book that, in two hundred pages, examines existentialism, morality, and ambiguity, otherwise known as life’s grey areas. I,…
RED FLAGS that make a woman reluctant to date
The term “red flag” signifies a reason to stop. It is used to halt a game because of a foul, to wave on…