Sex & Relationships

Social Distancing & Intimacy

social distancing Social Distancing & Intimacy

Written by Danielle Moffatt

A lack of intimacy

The year 2020 will forever be memorialised as the year humanity almost lost its humanity; the year when mankind embraced social distancing, and a hug was akin to a death sentence. The world transformed in a matter of weeks into a ghost town as people shuttered their doors, closed their blinds, dimmed their lights and looked to social media, television, games, food, and gardening to fill the expected void caused by the prolonged absence of human connection and intimacy.

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Social Distancing

Social distancing is the kryptonite to intimacy as it requires the reduction of close contacts to tame the beast of a virus that will remain nameless to avoid adding to its notoriety. The new normal requires physical distance, so how do we bridge the divide and germinate friendships, cross the threshold into familiarity, bite into the forbidden fruit of carnal knowledge, and create intimacy.

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woman social distancing and texting

I may be chided for pointing out the obvious, but if you are social distancing with your partner, who is for all intents and purposes healthy, the six feet apart rule does not apply to you. When the Chinese economy slowly awakened from its months of dormancy, divorce applications spiked. In that instance, the obvious was imperceptible as it was likely obscured by financial insecurity, housework and childcare inequities, and media overindulgence.

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Take comfort in the fact that everyone is facing financial hardships and your schedule is wide open; you will pencil in that movie you absolutely had to watch another day. Your happiness hinges on the happiness of your partner, so contribute your time equally.

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