Hot to communicate your sexual desires with your partner
Many are still disturbed when they think of the “sex talk” they had with their parents in their adolescentyears. Further, if you were…
Many are still disturbed when they think of the “sex talk” they had with their parents in their adolescentyears. Further, if you were…
We watch a movie or read a book to find out the ending, but the most incredible thrill comes from the plot twists and turns that keep us glued to the screen or page. Sex, as often not too subtly hinted, is not a one-minute event. Sex is deliberate, should be approached slowly, and should be a sensual awakening.
Relationships are never “one size fits all”, but we all can agree that certain elements are necessary for making the relationship a success. Communication is ranked the highest characteristic by relationship experts, followed by the intimate act of sex. So, if communication is number one why is sex so important in a relationship?
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be.
Did I say that it was full of wild sex? Well that it is. The title sums it all up in more ways than one as the protagonist’s appetite for carnal adventure is not easily sated and the irony
He who has never succumbed to the sensual strokes of lust cast the first stone!
Understanding the way men think can be quite the complex undertaking for any woman.
Many of us have dreams of the happily-ever-after love story, with the 2.5 children and the white picket fence. In Jamaica, the rate…
What are you giving up for lent?” Usually, the answers range from meat and alcohol to partying and sex, there is some level of…
According to the Urban dictionary’s definition of Romance, “True romance is doing something special or unexpected for someone you love, even though you…