
Mobile Blues


We all live in a techno savvy world, where everything you desire is accessible in the palm of your hands through your tablets and smart phones.

Business, entertainment, communication and social lifestyles have all been incredibly impacted by the advancements of technology yet, who would have thought these trendy, gizmo devices, which were originally designed to improve our life and interaction with the world could in fact, turn around and be harmful!

Like most, my entire life is regulated by my smart phone. Everything I do is at the tip of my fingers; from business interactions via emails, social media, which keeps me connected to friends and societal happenings; plus a host of other endless applications, which keep me entertained and informed on global affairs. It can become quite addictive! However, not being mindful about the physical wear and tear and attachment to telecommunication devices can have a detrimental impact on a person’s health. New research from Nokia disclose smart phone users check their phones approximately 150 times during a 16 hour time span. This constant attachment can affect a person’s physical and psychological condition including their posture, sight, psychological wellbeing, sleep patterns and functionality.

Hmmmmm…food for thought…you now may be wondering how using your mobile phone can be bad for your health.…Buzzz Magazine reveals all…Constant rolling and texting can put a strain on your hands causing cramps in the fingers and the musclesto become sore. Inflamed tendons can lead to tendinitis and carpal tunnel, which severely affect the hand’s functionality. Known as “Text Claw”, the elbow can also be affected by constant bending, which creates tingling sensations on the ring and pinky fingers over extended periods.

Staring at the screen for a long period of time can also cause dry eye syndrome, where the eyes become dry because the excessive staring reduces blinking rates, which keep the eyes moist. Electronic screens emit a blue-violet light, which can damage the cells in your eyes causing loss of sight.

Now ask yourself, what is the first thing you do when you wake up? Majority will answer, ‘reach for my phone’. Similarly, most people fall asleep using their devices. People who fall asleep using their phone do not enjoy the same relaxing rest as those who do not. Sleep texting is one outcome; where even while asleep you are unconsciously but physically replying to messages, causing the brain to not achieve optimal recharge. Often you wake up anxious and in a state of unrest, which affects your functionality.

To continue reading, purchase Vol.8 #2, 2015 Issue.