What's Buzzzing?
The Allure of Scents
What is the first thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? Is it their smile, their eyes, the way they dress or the way they carry themselves? Or could it possibly be how great they smell when they stroll past you?
Khalia Hall – Miss World History Maker?
No country has won the coveted Miss World Beauty pageant twice in a row and with Jamaica’s Toni-Ann Singh currently holding the title, the likelihood of a repeat Jamaican victory in Puerto Rico this December is slim. However, there’s something about Miss Jamaica World 2021 Khalia Hall that makes you think she could be the history maker. She’s sophisticated and yet down to earth, urbane and still a country girl and downright beautiful.
Andre de la Motta
The Ghost Behind the Modern Architecture World
Story by Nicola Cunningham | Photographer: Jordache JonesMakeup by Tanya Martin | Cars courtesy of Porsche If you happen to be cruising along…
5 Things to know before starting your weight loss journey
So, you wish to begin the journey to a thinner, healthier, and fitter you. Congratulations! I have always been reminded that the hardest part is starting, so one step down! Weight loss can be a real challenge for all of us who have been more than 20 pounds overweight and that’s okay. I am here to give you some tips and tricks to kick start your weight loss and help you stay on the wagon.
Is Heart Disease Genetic?
The functions of the heart may be impaired by various means. It may be by conditions that are acquired and those that are genetic. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on some of the genetic causes. Genetic causes of Heart Disease may be due to certain genetic mutation at the cellular level. Three Common ones are- Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
Estate Planning for Generational Wealth
To achieve your personal and unique financial goals, you need a well-planned “road map” to get you where you want to go. Being proactive and taking your financial future into your own hands is empowering and provides peace of mind in knowing you’re on the path to success and financial independence.
White done right
White is the ultimate classic color and will never go out of style. This versatile neutral is pure, bright, modern and clean and brings a fresh appearance to any space. is most definitely not boring. However, just because white is a blank canvas, does not mean that ‘anything goes’. Be intentional in your design plan.
Things no wife wants to hear
We all know that honesty is generally the best policy when it comes to long-term partnerships, but there are certain cases where brutal forthrightness can cause more harm than good. Herewith, you’ll discover all of the phrases and sayings your wife absolutely never wants to hear.
Relationship…what women look for?
BUZZZ Magazine sat down with a select group of professional women who were able to chime in and express their basic desires as well as higher order needs when it comes to trading ‘Mr. Right Now’ for ‘Mr. Right’.
Why LIFE INSURANCE is important
In this article Stefan Reid, Financial Advisor at the Sagicor Life Corporate Circle branch highlights the benefits of life insurance and why it…