What's Buzzzing?
Everything you need to know about benefiting from the global digital community
The digital age of technology has provided access to information in vastly overwhelming volumes. Social media has been one of the more popular…
Setting Goals
Whatever your personal feelings about resolutions versus goal setting, the dawn of the new year is the time at which individuals set or activate their intentions for the new year. However, if you plan to achieve those critical milestones in 2022, here are six tips for goal setting and winning in 2022.
Its Tea Time – A quick chat about the six best types of teas and their benefits
Tea is entrenched in Jamaica’s culture. Though it is considered a tradition of the British, tea has become a cure-all for beverage for all Jamaicans – young and old
The Difference Between Curtains & Drapes
While both types of window treatments can be used with many decorating styles and in any room of the home, each have distinct characteristics of its own.
Staying Motivated
Every new year, we see a lot of persons joining gyms and fitness centers to lose weight, be fitter, or just to be more active, but before the end of January or February, they give up. Here are a few tips to help you make your new years resolution become a long-term promise and even make it your new lifestyle.
Can a Woman Rape a Man?
Buzzz Magazine explores the laws surrounding rape and whether or not a woman can rape a man.
Ways Men can Ease The Tension Between Their Wife and Mother and Visa Vera
The age-old tension between wives and mothers – women who should be uplifting and supporting each other – is an unnatural phenomenon perpetuated by society and its proclivity to pit women against each other. It is also a subconscious reflection of the perverse nature of masculinity, a disease that thrives on such conflict to massage the ego of the egocentric.
BEHOLD! Now is the time to build that Side Hustle
The days of a single source of income are over! If you’re stuck in a perpetual financial bind and wondering how to increase your income — you are skilled or a quick learner, talented or entrepreneurial-minded, behold, now is the time to build that side hustle.
Online learning – and Telecommuting… Doing it the right way.
How does one successfully pivot towards a digital interface? Well, we decided to explore a few tips on how you can make the online learning and telecommuting reality, a fruitful and rewarding experience.
Fish Oil VS Omega 3, What’s The Difference?
I’m sure we have all heard these two words floating around; be it from people in the health field or we have read these words on packaging, which suggests that they are good for us. But what do they mean? Are they truly good for us? Do we really need to take it? Are the two essentially the same thing?