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The Best and Worst thing You Can Add To Your Coffee
For many, coffee has been the drink of choice to wake up to or to give a boost throughout the day. Yet, coffee can do way more for you, especially if you are looking into improving your lifestyle by including healthier options to your diet. Don’t worry you don’t need to give up your morning coffee for tea if you don’t want to! Let’s look at some popular highlights for adding coffee to your daily routine as well as a few suggestions to make a better cup of “Joe”.
Vitamin B Benefits
We always hear that vitamins are important and the one that seems a mystery to the everyday person is the ‘B Vitamin Complex’. Let’s explore what this is, why it’s important and why we should take these supplements?
How have I changed? Things I’ll do post-pandemic
Experiences and life events are designed to teach us lessons that help us to grow and evolve. The pandemic has been no different. Many persons have had to pivot and refocus their energies in new directions in order to stay afloat and navigate through the uncertainties and fragility that the pandemic has unmasked. In recognizing the importance of reflection, we asked a few persons how they have changed and what they will do differently when the pandemic ends.
Holiday Favourites: Movies and songs to snuggle up to
Here are some holiday movies that you need to add to your watch list this season. These movies will not only leave you filled to the brim with holiday cheer, but they are also family friendly and have a laugh out loud comedic factor as well. Perfect for holiday movie nights with friends and family or Christmas date nights for two.
Best Ways to Celebrate the Holidays Indoors
With the second holiday season since the pandemic fast approaching and continued measures which may disrupt traditional happenings looming, Buzzz decided to explore some fun ways the holiday season can still be exciting while remaining indoors with close family and friends.
Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Paint Colours
available, one may find the task of choosing a paint color daunting and overwhelming. Colour is a powerful tool that not only determines the mood and vibe, but can alter a space’s size and shape Paint colours can be bold or timid, bright or muted, playful or serene.
Gift-giving solved
Giving the perfect present is easier than you think. Just a few simple rules to follow, like who is on your list of people to shop for but, if you cannot decide on what to get here is a list we put together to help you.
How to deal with erectile dysfunction in a relationship
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to maintain a firm erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. The jury is still out on how many men suffer from clinical erectile dysfunction, but many have speculated that this condition affects one-third of the male population.
Simone Clarke – an instrument for change
For Simone Clarke, one of the beloved faces of morning time television, becoming a vessel through which everyday people can re-shape their thoughts, perspectives and eventually their lives, has been a heartfelt blessing. So much so that every day she wakes up renewed and re-energised to put in the work, so that Jamaicans get the breakthrough they need to have the desired positivity and peace of mind they crave.
Can you fix an unhealthy relationship?
Love goes through phases, but a heartfelt and maybe heartrending decision becomes necessary when it becomes insalubrious. I can say without hesitation or need for statistical verification that every adult has experienced days where “love hurts, love scars, love wounds and marks.”