Should Your Ex- Be You Next?
I’ve heard it said by several men, and women too, “My ex is always my next” and certainly many people feel that if…
Can Your Spouse’s Relationship with His Mother be a Deal-Breaker?
If the philosophy of ‘happy wife, happy life’ is true then how do you factor in the presence of some mothers-in-law who seem…
Sex Myths: You Need to Stop Believing
They never go away – and with each generation old myths are massaged back to life, and new ones are born. Every culture…
What he Notice about YOU
There is an innate desire in us to have the people we care about, notice us. Whether it is the accomplishments that we…
Sex on a Schedule
There is a very funny condom add that has an aspirin inside the packet. The message is clear, “no excuses for not having…
Is Your Partner Parent Worthy?
At some point in almost every romantic relationship, there comes a time when you stop, look deeply into your partner’s eyes and you…
Do you really know your Mate?
“Be careful of the seeds you allow to be planted in you.” Those words have saved the lives of many women who have…
Sexual Abstinence: Can you?
It’s that time of year when persons give up just about anything in an effort to be at peace, especially spiritually. People give…
Are you in a one-sided Relationship?
We’ve all been there at some point in a relationship- convinced we’re giving way more of our self than we are actually receiving…
Keeping ‘IT’ alive after 55
Fifties are the new thirties: you can still be sexy and outgoing while looking and feeling fabulous! Only now, the kids are out…